Andrew Schulz - Does Andrew Schulz make you laugh? Join the club, and get to know him on a deeper level as we celebrate him. We have all the information you need so read on for all the details.

Andrew Schulz's Birthday 2024 – October 30, 2024

The funnyman, Andrew Schulz, born on October 30, 1983, started his career as the hilarious host of a series of original programming on M.T.V. before he made it big as an international stand-up comedian. He started doing stand-up comedy in college in California and continued when he moved back to New York in the mid-2000s. He became a regular in the Comedy Village before making his debut at the Edinburgh Comedy Festival in 2008 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Even though he began on a major television network, Schulz has achieved considerable success by self-releasing his work, including one of his most recent comedy specials. And today, we’re celebrating him.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Andrew Cameron Schulz


King Hezi

Birth date:

October 30, 1987


36 years, 5 months

Zodiac Sign:



6' 2"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$4.0 million

Andrew Schulz's Social Media:


Andrew Schulz is a busy guy as a stand-up comedian, actor, television producer, and podcaster. He is mainly known for his work on multiple M.T.V. shows: the “Flagrant 2” podcast and the “Brilliant Idiots” podcast. And in 2020, he celebrated the release of his first Netflix special, “Schulz Saves America.”This multifaceted funnyman was born in New York City, grew up in Lower Manhattan’s East Village, and attended New York City Public Schools. He had a somewhat regular and average childhood before he went on to college and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. This served him well in terms of his career and comedic skills, as he found it easy to assess and comment on people, their behavior, and their place in society — everything you need to create jokes and humorous narratives.Schulz went on to self-release his debut comedy special, “4:4:1,” on YouTube in September 2017 and almost instantly gained a large and dedicated following. In June 2018, Schulz released his debut comedy album, “5:5:1,” to rave reviews, and it debuted at the top of iTunes’ comedy album charts. The album eventually peaked at number one on Apple Music, Google Play, and Amazon, making him an overnight sensation to anyone who had not yet been exposed to him. On-screen, Schulz has hosted or featured in several MTV programs, including “Guy Code” (2011), “Guy Court” (2013), and “The Hook Up” (2013). He has also appeared in the IFC series “Benders” (2015), “Sneaky Pete” (2015), and “Crashing” (2017). He recently popped up in the news for refusing to censor his comedy special for Amazon, self-releasing it, and earning $1 million for doing that.

Career timeline

The Big Break

Schulz gets his first big break by appearing on the M.T.V. show “Guy Code.”

The Gig at Playboy

Schulz becomes a guest host on “The Playboy Morning Show,” a live, daily talk show on Playboy T.V.

The Role in “Benders”

Schulz is cast as one of the leads in the IFC show “Benders,” playing Paul Rosenberg.

The Debut Comedy Album

Schulz self-releases his debut comedy album, “5:5:1,” on YouTube.

The Netflix Premier

His first significant comedy special, “Schulz Saves America,” premieres on Netflix to millions of views and international recognition.

Andrew Schulz FAQs

What is Andrew Schulz's ethnicity?

Schulz was born to a Scottish immigrant mother and an American father of German and Irish origin.

When did Andrew Schulz get into comedy?

Schulz has been working as a stand-up comedian since 2015.

What did Andrew Schulz study?

Schulz studied psychology at the University of California.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He loves fashion

    Schulz is known for having a great style sense.

  2. He worked in the restaurant industry

    Before making it big, Schulz was a manager at a restaurant and hated his job.

  3. He is no stranger to haters

    Schulz has often talked publicly about the pressures of being a comedian and being funny while not offending anyone.

  4. His following is huge

    Recently, Schulz surpassed the two million mark on some of his social media platforms, becoming a noteworthy comic nearly overnight.

  5. He found love

    Schulz found the love of his life, and they got married in 2021 after he proposed mere weeks before Halloween.

Why We Love Andrew Schulz

  1. He is a go-getter

    Through the years, Schulz has made incredibly smart decisions to elevate and further his career by taking matters into his own hands. And today, companies can’t wait to work with him.

  2. He connects with people through humor

    Comedy is one of the few things in life that proves that humor can help save and repair trauma and dark experiences. Laughter has a way of healing the pain, especially when comedians use their own experiences and those of their loved ones to highlight and comment on society, which is something Schulz does effortlessly.

  3. He is intelligent and well educated

    Schulz’s many qualifications and academic achievements prove that being educated and well-read can act as a catapult in your life when you are finding your feet in the world. We love how he seamlessly uses his education to work on his business and life.

Andrew Schulz’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 October 30 Sunday
2023 October 30 Monday
2024 October 30 Wednesday
2025 October 30 Thursday
2026 October 30 Friday