Battle of Las Piedras - On this day in history, the Battle of Las Piedras altered the course of the revolution in Latin America.

Battle of Las Piedras 2025 – May 18, 2025

The Battle of Las Piedras on May 18 is one of the most significant public holidays in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. On this day in 1811, Uruguayan revolutionaries led by the inimitable José Gervasio Artigas defeated Spanish imperialists, paving the way for the country’s independence. Las Piedras was no ordinary battleground — an increasingly weakened revolution in Latin America depended on it. Victory at Las Piedras symbolized the power of popular resistance. For perhaps the first time in a long time, the suppressed people witnessed new possibilities and horizons. Artigas and his men gave hope to indigenous populations everywhere. The spirit of Las Piedras boosted revolutionary efforts, resulting in the creation of an independent Uruguay.

History of Battle of Las Piedras

The Spanish arrived in the region in the 16th century but faced a setback in their imperialist ambitions. The land had little to no precious metals, much to their disappointment. Additionally, they met with overwhelmingly fierce resistance from the indigenous population. For these reasons, colonization could not take off until the 1700s.Europe was a decidedly different place by the 19th century. Rousing calls for self-determination and independence reverberated across the continent. In Latin America, the decisive May Revolution in 1810 ended Spanish rule in Buenos Aires, forcing them to flee and shift headquarters to Banda Oriental, or Montevideo in present-day Uruguay. José Gervasio Artigas, leader of the Uruguayan forces, was close on their heels. He followed the Spanish with less than 200 men initially. But when battle commenced, his army had grown to over 1,000 men.Meanwhile, the commander of the royalist army, José Posadas, planned to provoke the revolutionaries into fighting. Convinced he would win the battle, Posadas moved his army to the battlefield of Las Piedras on May 18, 1811. Luck favored the brave that day, not the fool-hearted, as Posadas soon discovered. Artigas’s forces trounced the Spanish — a victory the revolutionaries sorely needed after having suffered a string of defeats. The boost of morale and spirit following the Battle of Las Piedras became a turning point in the fight for freedom, ultimately securing the independence of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.Artigas was a rare military general for his day. He showed mercy on captured prisoners and even ordered his men to care for wounded soldiers on both sides. Artigas believed in ‘Clemencia para los vencidos,’ or showing mercy for the conquered — a saying that became synonymous with his legacy. Every year in May, the people of Uruguay celebrate their beloved national hero and the victorious battle that helped win their country’s independence.

Battle of Las Piedras timeline

Spain Goes on the Defensive

The powerful May Revolution compels Spanish forces to abandon Buenos Aires.

A National Hero Emerges

The revolutionary José Gervasio Artigas issues the Mercedes Proclamation on April 11 and assumes control of the revolution.

The Battle Commences

In a surprising turn of events, 200 Spanish forces defect to Artigas’s forces mid-battle.

The Revolutionaries Win

The victory at Las Piedras signals the beginning of the end of Spanish rule in Uruguay.

Battle of Las Piedras FAQs

How is the Battle of Las Piedras celebrated?

Uruguay commemorates the Battle of Las Piedras through dance and music shows. There are several parades by Creole societies and turf races, too.

Which country is Las Piedras in?

Las Piedras lies in the Canelones Department of Uruguay. It is the country’s fifth most populated city.

Why is Uruguay so rich?

Uruguay is one of the wealthiest nations in South America due to its booming export business. The tiny country accounts for most of the continent’s exports, including frozen beef, milk, rice, wool, and soybeans.

How to Observe Battle of Las Piedras

  1. Read up on José Gervasio Artigas

    Did you know that Artigas was a cattle herdsman or a ‘gaucho’ before becoming a revolutionary? In a sense, he also fulfilled the image of the ‘gaucho’ as an Uruguayan folk symbol, which is similar to the American cowboy and the Spanish ‘vaquero.’ Today’s perfect to find out more about Uruguay’s national hero.

  2. Attend the parades

    Since today is a public holiday in Paraguay, people take to the streets to watch numerous school and military parades. It’s the best way to take in the history and have fun while doing it.

  3. Have a barbeque and make it ‘asado’

    Uruguayans take their barbeque very seriously, so make sure to pull out all the stops. Think large beef chunks, chorizos, and some zingy chimichurri.

5 Facts About Uruguay That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. A liberal, progressive country

    In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to nationally legalize cannabis.

  2. A champion of sustainability

    Before sustainability became cool, Uruguay was already generating electricity from renewable energy sources.

  3. An unusual official name

    The country is called the “Oriental Republic of Uruguay” since it stands on the eastern bank of the Uruguay River.

  4. Some houses have first names

    Spanish immigrants in Uruguay give their houses delightful first names like ‘Tango’ or ‘Cualquiera,’ meaning ‘whatever.’

  5. Candombe rhythm will get you

    Minority groups in Uruguay of African descent have kept the Candombe style of music and dance alive for generations.

Why Battle of Las Piedras is Important

  1. A story of hope

    The Battle of Las Piedras inspires us. These were people who revolted against their colonizers despite having fewer resources. We love nothing better than stories of people who fight the good fight and win against the odds.

  2. An unwavering belief in their cause

    The Uruguayan revolutionaries never wavered from their path. They soldiered on, guided by faith and a rock-solid belief in the cause.

  3. The preservation of indigenous heritage

    Without the victory at Las Piedras, Uruguay’s cultural heritage may have been lost forever. Resistance is crucial for cultures to survive and thrive.

Battle of Las Piedras dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 18 Thursday
2024 May 18 Saturday
2025 May 18 Sunday
2026 May 18 Monday
2027 May 18 Tuesday