National Homemade Soup Day
National Homemade Soup Day is celebrated on February 4. Soup is the perfect winter meal. People have been enjoying this simple yet extremely delicious dish… See More
World Cancer Day
An important day to raise awareness about prevention, detection, and treatment of this fatal disease.
National Stuffed Mushroom Day
Tantalize your taste buds with this delightful delicacy, but don't forget to appreciate its existence too.
National Quacker Day
Calling out all ‘Quacker’ women! Celebrate your queen and her legacy today.
National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
We salute the mail carriers who ensure our post reaches us.
Create a Vacuum Day
It’s time to awaken the lab nerd in you and tinker around with vacuums.
Sweater Day
Sweaters and sustainability. Who knew they could benefit each other so well?
National Hemp Day
Hemp has many amazing properties we're sure you did not know about.
Facebook's Birthday
Flood your timeline with wishes for Facebook, the app that keeps you connected.
We have the best suggestions to make your USO Day observance a memorable one.
International Day of Human Fraternity
Here’s everything you need to know about this day and the events leading up to it.
National Day Sri Lanka
Celebrate Sri Lanka’s Independence from Great Britain and the colonization that came with their rule.
Farmer's Day
Prepare to harvest the blessings of Lichun and the new year with your farm produce.
Liberace Day
Join us in celebrating this music maverick and pop culture icon today.
National Thank a Mailman Day
Technology may have evolved, but mailmen are still crucial to all of us.
Medjoola Date Day
Did you know Medjool dates have more potassium than bananas?
African American Coaches Day
Yes, you can! Power a better you on African American Coaches Day.
National Wicker Day
Wicker is still as fashionable and eco-friendly as it used to be.
Torture Abolition Day
Today we get to play our part in raising awareness about torture.
National Israel Day
Happy Israel Day to everyone bearing this name as well as the nation itself!
Philippine-American War Memorial Day
On Philippine-American War Memorial Day, let’s remember those who fought valiantly for freedom.
Angola Liberation Day
Angola Liberation Day is the day when Angolans fought tenaciously against colonial rule.
Alice Cooper's Birthday
“The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes, and switchblades.”― Alice Cooper
Tabitha Brown's Birthday
She launched a TikTok account in 2020 and has been sharing cooking tips and vegan recipes.