Donate Life Blue and Green Day - Donate Life Blue and Green Day is an American national holiday to raise awareness for individuals in need of organ donation.

Donate Life Blue and Green Day 2025 – April 25, 2025

The Donate Life Blue and Green Day, on April 28, is a holiday that was largely pioneered by the Donate Life America organization to encourage people to welcome the idea of donating organs to individuals in need. There is no specifically appointed day for this holiday, but it is usually any day (mostly a Friday) within April, the month of which is National Donate Life Month. Donate Life Blue and Green Day is usually observed by the hundreds of thousands of individuals waiting to receive organ donations and comprises people wearing the blue and green colors to raise awareness.

History of Donate Life Blue and Green Day

Donate Life America (D.L.A.) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ transplants as well as building a tradition of organ donation as a fundamental human responsibility. The D.L.A. manages and directs the affairs of Donate Life, which is its national brand for driving donations and motivating members of the public to register as donors. They also educate the public on living donations, as well as developing and executing donation campaigns. The D.L.A. was initially established as the ‘Coalition on Donation’ in 1992. The organization ran with that name for 14 years until, in 2006, it changed to ‘Donate Life America.’ In the space of about three decades, the Donate Life America organization has successfully registered hundreds of millions of donors in the United States.In 2003, Donate Life America was instrumental in establishing National Donate Life Month, which was first made official by then-President George W. Bush. They have since launched awareness campaigns targeted at millennials through digital outreach and social media. The organization has chosen the month of April for its annual awareness campaigns which focus on the potential of every individual to improve the quality of life of others by simply registering their decision to donate. The organization creates artwork that encapsulates the power of donation. One of the two major highlights of National Donate Life Month is the National Donate Life Blue and Green Day which is usually a random day in April, depending on the activities set up for Donate Life Month.On Donate Life Blue and Green Day, members of the public are encouraged to adorn blue and green, organize fundraising events, as well as collaborate with businesses, media, and the community to spread awareness about organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

Donate Life Blue and Green Day timeline

Coalition on Donation is Formed

The D.L.A. is first established as the ‘Coalition on Donation.’

National Donate Life Month is Established

The National Donate Life Month is created for the first time and officially recognized by George W. Bush.

Donate Life Blue and Green Day Established

The Donate Life Blue and Green Day is established in 2003 as part of National Donate Life Month.

Coalition on Donation Changes Names

The Coalition on Donation switches names to ‘Donate Life America.’

Donate Life Blue and Green Day FAQs

What is Donate Life Blue and Green Day?

Donate Life Blue and Green Day is an American national holiday to raise awareness for individuals in need of organ donation.

What does the D.L.A. organization do?

The Donate Life America organization (D.L.A.) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ transplantation as well as building a tradition of organ donation as a fundamental human responsibility

Is organ donation safe?

Yes, it is. Most organ donors can lead a normal life with little or no consequences after they have donated an organ, depending on what organ they donated.

How to Observe Donate Life Blue and Green Day

  1. Sign up to be a donor

    One of the key messages that are passed on Donate Life Blue and Green Day is for individuals to register as donors. You can do this as a sign of solidarity.

  2. Spread the word

    You can also spread the word to others by sharing information orally or otherwise, about organ and tissue donations and the importance thereof. Any amount shared will help the cause.

  3. Share on Social Media

    Whatever you decide to do for Blue and Green Day, be sure to share on social media using the #NationalDonateLifeBlueAndGreenDay hashtag. Start a conversation online.

5 Interesting Facts About Organ Donation

  1. You can donate while alive

    You may not need to wait till you’re about to pass away to consider donating your organs and tissue, you can be a living donor.

  2. Chronically sick individuals can still donate

    Individuals with chronic illnesses are still eligible as organ and tissue donors.

  3. Most religions allow organ donation

    Most popular religions are in support of organ and tissue donation.

  4. Social/ wealth status is irrelevant

    In donating organs, only two things come to play; your willingness to donate, and the healthy state of your organs.

  5. A single donor can save multiple lives

    A single deceased organ donor can save as many as eight lives, while tissue donors can save even much more than that.

Why Donate Life Blue and Green Day is Important

  1. It’s an opportunity to help others

    Organ and tissue donation is an opportunity to give others a shot at a healthier life. We love this!

  2. There’s no age limit to donating

    You can always be a donor regardless of how old you are. Organ donation has no age restriction.

  3. It’s a rewarding experience

    Organ and tissue donation can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience for the donor. You’ll be saving a life!

Donate Life Blue and Green Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 April 22 Friday
2023 April 28 Friday
2024 April 26 Friday
2025 April 25 Friday
2026 April 24 Friday