Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys - Are you a fan of Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys? Want to learn more about her? We have all the information!

Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys's Birthday 2024 – December 23, 2024

Elena CupcakeSurepriseToys is an Irish YouTuber born on December 23, 2007. She is one-half of the popular channel “CupcakeSurepriseToys,” which is best known for its toy reviews. She is a talented young girl worth celebrating on her birthday today!

Fast Facts

Full Name:


Birth date:

December 23, 2007


16 years, 4 months

Zodiac Sign:


Net Worth:

$1.0 million

Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys's Social Media:


Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys is a young YouTuber whose personality has won her fans worldwide. She’s a Capricorn born on December 23, 2007, in Ireland.She became one half of the “CupcakeSurpriseToys” YouTube channel at its inception in February 2016, the other being her younger sister, Clara. She was eight years old at the time. The channel offers a diversity of content from makeup tutorials to prank videos, back-to-school hauls, vacation videos, e.t.c. There’s so much to watch with Elena and Clara. In July 2016, she and her sister uploaded their channel’s first video, “Peppa Pig Giant Surprise Egg Opening! Peppa Pig Unboxing Peppa Pig Theme Park Kinder Eggs.” This is also their channel’s most popular video, with 17.4 million views. Along the line, the YouTube channel was rebranded to “Elena and Clara,” and subsequent videos were uploaded using this title. In June 2020, the YouTube channel reached a million subscribers. The pair uploaded the “1 Million Subscribers!!!” video the same month to celebrate their incredible milestone. In June 2022, they uploaded their most recent video, titled “Harry Potter Studio Tour London! Warner Bros Studio Tour and Gift Shop.”She is a sweet girl who cares deeply about her family and friends. She’s a talented YouTuber whose channel has amassed 1.05 million followers. She and her sister also share an Instagram page, which has over 10,000 followers. Together, they have achieved an enviable fanbase.

Career timeline

February 2016
Their YouTube Channel Launch

She and her sister launch the “CupcakeSurpriseToys” YouTube channel.

July 2016
Her Oldest Video

The sisters upload their first and oldest video, “Peppa Pig Giant Surprise Egg Opening! Peppa Pig Unboxing Peppa Pig Theme Park Kinder Eggs.”

June 2020
One Million Subscribers

They reach the one million YouTube subscribers milestone.

June 2022
Their Most Recent Video

They upload their most recent video as “Harry Potter Studio Tour London! Warner Bros Studio Tour and Gift Shop.”

Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys FAQs

How old is Elena’s sister Clara?

Clara is 12 years old in 2022.

What does Clara like?

Clara likes tennis and playing the violin.

Does Elena like Black Pink?

Yes, she does.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. She lost her puppy

    She lost her puppy named George.

  2. She loves dance

    She loves ballet dancing.

  3. She is musical

    She can play the piano.

  4. She met Charli D’Amelio

    She met D’Amelio and got her to do a YouTube video with her.

  5. She doesn't manage her channel

    Her social media accounts are managed by her parents.

Why We Love Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys

  1. She’s sweet

    She has a kind demeanor and personality. She’s a sweet girl.

  2. She’s talented

    She is a talented content creator. She creates amazing videos.

  3. She’s a great big sister

    She is a great big sister to Clara. She’s always there for her.

Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 23 Friday
2023 December 23 Saturday
2024 December 23 Monday
2025 December 23 Tuesday
2026 December 23 Wednesday