FGTeeV Mike - Let’s get to know FGTeeV Mike, a member of the famous Skylander family on YouTube. We will share facts and information about him!

FGTeeV Mike's Birthday 2024 – November 13, 2024

Michael Smith Ryan, known as FGTeeV Mike, was born on November 13, 2008. His parents are famous YouTube stars known as Skylander Mom, Samantha, and Skylander Dad, Vincent. Smith joined his family’s YouTube channel when he was young and has been making appearances ever since. In 2012, Smith started his own YouTube channel called TheSkylanderBoy. The channel was later renamed The SkylanderBoy AndGirl after his sister, Alexis, joined in. The duo creates content revolving around gameplay and music. We’ll invite you to celebrate TheSkylanderBoy’s birthday right here!

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Michael Smith Ryan


FGTeeV Mike, Skylander Boy

Birth date:

November 13, 2008


15 years, 5 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 4"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$30.0 million

FGTeeV Mike's Social Media:


Michael Smith Ryan, popularly known as FGTeeV Mike, is an American YouTuber who is a member of the famous Skylander family. He is also known as The Skylander Boy. Smith was born in the U.S. on November 13, 2008. His zodiac sign is Scorpio. Smith’s father, Vincent Carter, is a famous YouTuber who goes by the name FGTeeV Duddy. His mother, Samantha Ryan, is also a YouTuber and goes by the name FGTeeV Mum. Smith has three siblings. His elder sister, Alexis Ryan, is also a talented YouTuber who goes by the name Skylander Girl. There are two more siblings, FGTeeV Chase and FGTeeV Shawn. They frequently make appearances in Smith’s videos. Smith attends school for his age, but this information is not public.Smith’s family has been on YouTube since before he was born. His father started their joint channel in 2006, with the channel’s name being FUNnel Vision. It was initially a vlog, but later, they started to upload videos of fun family activities. Smith started appearing in those videos when he was young. It was reported that due to a YouTube issue, the channel has been replaced with FV Family. Smith is an active participant in all videos and frequently suggests ideas for content. In 2012, Smith started his own channel, which he manages with his older sister. The channel is called TheSkylanderBoy AndGirl, and it has now amassed more than two million subscribers. The duo posts skits, creative videos, music, and gameplay videos. His younger brothers, Shawn and Chase, make frequent appearances on the channel. Smith is also featured on the family’s other YouTube channels; FGTeeV and Doh Much Fun. Between the years 2013 and 2016, Smith and his sister released several hip-hop/rap songs, including ‘Wish You a Swapping Christmas’ (2013), ‘Fire Element’ (2014), and ‘Undead Element’ (2016).There is a saying that goes, “Like father, like son.” Smith enjoys playing computer games, which he shares on his personal YouTube channel, Klipp The Clutch. He displays content similar to what his father does. Smith first created this channel in 2013, and he has been uploading videos of himself playing computer games ever since. By this time, he has reached his teenage years, and he is truly an artist. In 2021, he shared a music lyric video, “Love Hurts,” from a song that he wrote and worked on himself. His personal channel now has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Let’s see what Smith has in store for us in the future!

Career timeline

2010 to 2013
The First Appearances on YouTube

Smith is featured on the family’s YouTube channel, FGTeeV.

The SkylanderBoy and Girl Channel

Smith and his sister, Alexis, launch their first YouTube channel.

The Music Debut

Smith starts to release his hip-hop/rap songs with his sister.

The Doh Much Fun Channel

Smith’s family launches a YouTube channel geared toward young children.

The Smith’s Music Lyric Video

He releases a music lyric video, “Love Hurts,” on his personal YouTube channel.

FGTeeV Mike FAQs

What does FGTeeV stand for?

FGTeeV stands for Family Gaming Teams’ Extraordinarily Entertaining Videos.

Is FGTeeV kid friendly?

The channel contains comedy skits with the mother and other family members. It is advised that children under the age of 13 watch the content with their parents.

Are The SkylanderBoy and Girl twins?

No, they are not. The Skylander Girl is two years older than the boy.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. Instagram disabled his account

    Smith’s Instagram account was disabled in 2014 because he was under the age of 13.

  2. His father threatened to sue Instagram

    His father threatened a lawsuit against Instagram for Smith’s account disablement, stating that they, the parents, were responsible for the account.

  3. He started his channel at four

    Smith and his sister started their YouTube channel in 2012 with the help of their parents.

  4. He is good in sports

    Apart from being talented in content creation, Smith is also active in sports.

  5. His cousin is a YouTuber

    Minecraft Ethan, a popular kid gamer and YouTuber, is also a part of the Smith family.

Why We Love FGTeeV Mike

  1. He is talented

    Smith is multi-talented. He is a good actor and content creator, and he can also rap.

  2. He has great content

    Smith has popular YouTube channels where he posts gameplay videos, music, and other creative content. The channels’ names are TheSkylanderBoy AndGirl and Klipp The Clutch.

  3. Smith is into music

    He is a hip-hop artist as well. He has released several hip-hop/rap songs on his YouTube channel.

FGTeeV Mike’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 November 13 Sunday
2023 November 13 Monday
2024 November 13 Wednesday
2025 November 13 Thursday
2026 November 13 Friday