Gus Caleb Smyrnios - Do you love Gus Caleb Smyrnios as much as we do? We have all the interesting facts and insights about this extremely breathtaking T.V. personality.

Gus Caleb Smyrnios's Birthday 2025 – March 19, 2025

Gus Caleb Smyrnios, born on March 19, 1995, began his career as a model before he became a reality television star. His dashing looks and sculpted body have landed him on the cover of several romance novels. His reality television career began in 2017 in M.T.V.’s “Floribama Shore.” Smyrnios has been on the ascent since then. He has the potential to be one of America’s biggest stars. We are all about celebrating this national heartthrob today.

Fast Facts

Birth date:

March 19, 1995


29 years, 1 month

Zodiac Sign:



Gus Caleb Smyrnios was born on March 19, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a force to be reckoned with in the modeling and reality television industry. His chiseled abs have graced the covers of romance magazines and his luscious locks have brought him a fanbase that appreciates both his beauty and talent. While he’s had his ups and downs, he’s managed to stay afloat and has made a name for himself in reality television.His most recognizable feature? His mane of blond luscious locks. A dog dad, Smyrnios can be seen on his 43,000-strong Instagram account, frolicking topless in nature — you know, as one does. The national heartthrob is most notable for his role in M.T.V.’s “Floribama Shore,” a reality show that follows a group of young attractive adults navigating through life in Florida.

Career timeline

His Reality T.V. Debut

Gus Smyrnios lands his first reality T.V. role on “Floribama Shore.”

A Reality Star is Born

Smyrnios returns to educate us on some realities on “Real World/Road Rule Challenges.”

March 2021
A Bar Fight in Tallahassee

One week before filming the fourth season of “Floribama Shore,” Smyrnoise gets into a bar fight with four guys.

September 2021
Smyrnios is Involved in a Car Crash

Smyrnios is involved in an accident; he shares footage of the accident with his Twitter followers.

Gus Caleb Smyrnios FAQs

Is Gus Smyrnios from “Floribama Shore” engaged?

Smyrnios recently married his fiance, Samantha Carucci, on October 11, 2022.

How tall is Gus Smyrnios?

Smyrnios is 61.32 inches tall.

Are Gus Smyrnios and Nilsa Prowant still together?

The pair never had anything serious going on. Both Smyrnios and Prowant are now married — Prowant in 2021 and Smyrnios in 2022.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He loves Mexico

    Gus Smyrnios’ favorite vacation spots were in Cabo and the Dominican Republic.

  2. Season one of “Floribama Shore”

    Smyrnios say he felt most himself during his first season on “Floribama Shore.”

  3. He values his privacy

    Despite appearing gregarious on reality T.V. series, Smyrnios is actually quite a private person.

  4. He has Greek origins

    His grandad is Greek, but Smyrnios doesn’t speak the language.

  5. He models for romance books

    Yeah, you heard that right — Smyrnios models for romance books and can be seen on the cover pages of several.

Why We Love Gus Caleb Smyrnios

  1. He’s honest

    Gus Smyrnios keeps his love life under wraps. But he’s always been honest about his openness to finding love, which he believes is something everyone feels.

  2. He’s not judgmental

    Smyrnios goes by “live and let live.” He’s neither nitpicky nor confrontational.

  3. He’s all about the advice

    Smyrnios loves dishing out advice to his fans. He’s had Q&As where he answered as many of his fans’ questions as the time allowed.

Gus Caleb Smyrnios’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 March 19 Sunday
2024 March 19 Tuesday
2025 March 19 Wednesday
2026 March 19 Thursday
2027 March 19 Friday