J Balvin - J Balvin, a Columbian singer, rapper, and the ‘Prince of Reggaeton’ has a lot up his sleeve. Discover all the facts about him on his birthday.

J Balvin's Birthday 2024 – May 7, 2024

J Balvin, born Jose Alvan Osorio Balvin on May 7, 1985, in Columbia is a famous artist with over 35 million record sales worldwide. In 2016, Balvin released his hit song ‘Ginza,’ which broke the record for Latin video with the most views, and the song also set a new Guinness Record for the most extended stay on the Billboard Hot Latin Chart. Balvin is a talented artist and has featured big-name artists such as Beyonce, Dua Lipa, and Cardi B. Join us to celebrate this legend on his special day.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

José Álvaro Osorio Balvín


Prince of Reggaeton

Birth date:

May 07, 1985


38 years, 11 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 10"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$20.0 million

J Balvin's Social Media:


Jose Alvan Osorio Balvin, popularly known as J Balvin, is a famous Colombian singer and rapper. Millions of people worldwide love and listen to his records. He is sometimes referred to as the ‘Prince of Reggaeton.’ When he turned 17, he got into an exchange program and moved to the United States to learn English. He was raised by Jose Alva Osorio and Alba Mary Vasquez and grew up in a large house. He says his interest in reggaeton grew after listening to Daddy Yankee. He worked as a roofer and painter in the U.S. before going on to study international business at EAFIT University in Medellin and began his music career at the age of 19.Balvin knew he was made for greatness and adopted the stage name J Balvin ‘El Negocio.’ In 2004, he released his first song titled ‘Panas.’ In 2009, he signed a contract with EMI Colombia and released another song, ‘Ella Me Cautivo,’ which earned him international recognition. With the song’s success, he went on to sign a recording contract with Machete Music and EMI Music. In 2010, he released his first album titled “Real,” which earned him a Golden Disc. In 2013, he released his third album, “La Familia,” which was in the top ten on Billboard’s Latin Album and was certified 5x platinum in Colombia and 2x platinum in Mexico.The singer also dropped ‘6 AM,’ featuring singer Farruko in 2016, which debuted at #43 on Billboard’s Latin chart. Balvin received Guinness World Records for the most Grammy nominations in one year, with 13 in 2020. He is the first Latin Artist to earn a billion streams on Apple Music and the first to headline musical events such as Coachella, Lollapalooza, and Tomorrowland. He has collaborated with many artists, including Beyonce, Cardi B, The Black Eyed Peas, Nicky Jam, and Major Lazer.

Career timeline

Balvin's Breakout Songs

‘Ginza’ and ‘6 AM’ make it to the top 100 Billboard charts.

He Survives a Plane Crash

Balvin, in what is nothing short of a miracle, survives a plane crash while returning from the Bahamas.

The B.M.I. Latin Awards

Balvin is awarded ‘Contemporary Latin Songwriter of the Year’ by B.M.I. Latin Awards for his outstanding contributions to Latin music.

His Song Debut

Balvin releases his first-ever single titled ‘Panas.’

“Time” Magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’

Balvin is listed as one of “Time” magazine's ‘Greatest Latin Artist of All Time.’

J Balvin FAQs

Is J Balvin the same person as Bad Bunny?

No, he is not. But J Balvin and the Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny are friends and collaborators.

What did J Balvin do wrong?

The video of his song ‘Perra’ was tagged racist and taken down from YouTube. Balvin has since apologized for this.

Is Rio his son?

Yes — with his wife, Valentina Ferrer.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. ‘Ay Vamos’ has one billion views

    Balvin's most popular YouTube music video, ‘Ay Vamos,’ has over a billion views.

  2. Balvin loves Drake

    The Canadian rapper, Drake, inspires him, Balvin says, and he would love to collaborate with him someday.

  3. He has more than 34 tattoos

    Balvin loves tattoos and currently has at least 34 of them covering his entire body.

  4. He suffers from panic attacks

    He does not let his panic attacks stop him from greatness, even though he looks forward to days when he can be free from them.

  5. He loves tigers

    The aura tigers have, Balvin says, excites him.

Why We Love J Balvin

  1. He is fashionable

    Balvin has an excellent fashion sense. We consider him the most colorful artist in Latin America, who’s never afraid to try something new and extraordinary.

  2. He loves his family

    Balvin’s great love for his family, especially his mother, who suffers from acute intermittent porphyria, endears him to his fans. In addition to naming his third studio album “La Familia,” he has the word ‘familia’ tattooed on his chest.

  3. He loves dogs

    Balvin boldly declared that his prized possession is Enzo, his dog. We love how he loves Enzo.

J Balvin’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 7 Sunday
2024 May 7 Tuesday
2025 May 7 Wednesday
2026 May 7 Thursday
2027 May 7 Friday