Jeffy Jey - Are you a fan of Jeffy Jey? Want to learn more about the rapper? We have all the information!

Jeffy Jey's Birthday 2024 – December 23, 2024

Jeffy Jey is a French rapper born on December 23, 1995. He is best known for his 2016 Christmas single ‘Seben Noel’ and his social media presence. Jey is a talented rapper and we’re celebrating his birthday today!

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Jeffy Jey

Birth date:

December 23, 1995


28 years, 4 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 5"

Relationship Status:


Jeffy Jey's Social Media:


Jeffy Jey is a French rapper whose talents have earned him local and international recognition. He’s a Capricorn, born on December 23, 1995, in France. Jey is of African descent. He is also a dancer, singer, and comedian who was a member of the Skizz Family comedy group. There isn’t much information on Jey’s upbringing, family life, or background.Jey made his social media debut in 2011 by opening a Twitter account. On this account, he interacts with fans and shares links to his music. In 2016, Jey released his debut single, ‘Seben Noel.’ This single did considerably well and earned him recognition as a French rapper. In 2018, Jey released another single, ‘Masolo.’ In 2019, he released ‘Merci,’ and in 2020, Jey released two singles, ‘A la belle etoile’ and ‘Mbuma mabe.’ The rapper stayed focused on his rap career, and in 2022 he dropped another single, ‘Inattendue.’ Jey is a French rapper on the rise. He has worked with several photographers as a model and is also a speaker at the Melting Crew Awards.Jey is a talented rapper, singer, and comedian whose music career is witnessing steady progress. He is currently working on his brand and E.P. “Preface,” which is due to be released any second. Concerning his personal affairs, the rapper and comedian keeps everything under wraps. There is no information about his past or supposed present relationships. Jey is currently single and shares his success with friends and family members.

Career timeline

He Opens a Twitter Account

Jey launches his career on social media by creating a Twitter account.

His Debut Single

Jey releases his first song, ‘Seben Noel.’

Jey Drops Another Single

He releases another single, ‘Masolo.’

His Latest New Single

Jey drops another single, ‘Inattendue.’

Jeffy Jey FAQs

How many Instagram followers does Jeffy Jey have?

He has 53,000 followers in 2022.

When did Jeffy Jey release ‘Mille feux?’

He released it in 2021.

Does Jeffy Jey have an album?

No, he doesn’t. He is, however, working on his first E.P.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He deleted all his Instagram posts

    Jey’s oldest Instagram post dates to June 2022.

  2. He has dreadlocks

    Jey has locks, and he takes good care of them.

  3. He wears earrings

    Jey has his ears pierced and always wears studs.

  4. He’s not signed

    Jey is an independent artist and isn’t signed to a label.

  5. He was on Vine

    Jey’s Skizz Family comedy group was a Vine collaboration.

Why We Love Jeffy Jey

  1. He’s talented

    Jey is a talented rapper. His music is moving.

  2. He’s handsome

    Jey is very handsome. And his talent makes him even more incredible.

  3. He’s hardworking

    Jey works hard on his music. He pours his all into it.

Jeffy Jey’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 23 Friday
2023 December 23 Saturday
2024 December 23 Monday
2025 December 23 Tuesday
2026 December 23 Wednesday