Kade Skye - Kade Skye, the 10-year-old popular YouTuber with his own channel, had 369,000 followers and 60 million views as of May 2022.

Kade Skye's Birthday 2024 – July 17, 2024

Kade Skye was born on July 17, 2010, and is 12 years old. Currently, Kade Skye’s weight and height are unknown. Kade was born and raised in the United States of America. Kade Skye’s parents are unknown but they are supportive since they are the ones who handle his social media. Kade Skye has two siblings Jack Skye and Jazzy Skye who are also YouTubers. We will help you celebrate Kade’s special birthday right here.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Kade Skye

Birth date:

July 17, 2010


13 years, 9 months

Zodiac Sign:


Net Worth:


Kade Skye's Social Media:


Kade Skye is a star on YouTube and is recognized as a part of the “Kids Fun TV.” He makes videos revolving around toys, hobbies, and Minecraft. Kade was born on July 17, 2010. His Zodiac sign is Cancer. Kade Skye is the younger brother of fellow Fun Squad members, Jack and Jazzy Skye. He has two other siblings called Kyler Skye and Kalia Skye. Kade Skye’s parent’s identities are still unknown. Although, we do know that they have been supportive and have helped Kade to build a career on YouTube. They are the ones who manage his social media channels.He creates YouTube videos on Minecraft and a collection of challenges including toys, games, and activities such as tumbling. He has amassed over 369,000 followers and over sixty million views on his YouTube channel.Before his success on his YouTube channel, he was part of the “Pumpkin Street Racing Kids Fun T.V” which was uploaded later in 2019. He uploaded his first YouTube video, which is now archived, in late 2019. The video was titled “Pumpkin Street Racing With Kids Fun T.V. and Ninja Kidz T.V.” His most popular video was watched more than seven million times. The video was about Kade removing his braces. His mom filmed multiple clips of him during the session and is heard cheering him on throughout the process. Although we do not know Kade Skye’s exact net worth, his estimated annual earnings range from $7,000 to $99,000.

Career timeline

First Video

Kade publishes a video titled “Pumpkin Street Racing.”

His Most Popular Video

Kade releases a video of him getting his braces off.


Kade builds a huge fan base on his social media channels.

YouTube Channel

Kade creates his first solo YouTube channel.

Kade Skye FAQs

When was Kade Skye born?

He was born on July 17, 2010.

How old is Kade Skye?

He is 12 years old as of 2022.

Where is Kade Skye from?

He is from the United States of America.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He has a huge following on Instagram

    Kade Skye has amassed a following of more than 14,000 people.

  2. He has supportive parents

    Kade’s parents are very supportive and they manage all of his social media channels.

  3. His most popular video

    His most popular video was the one where he was got his braces removed((His siblings are YouTubers

  4. His siblings are YouTubers

    He has two siblings, Jack Skye and Jazzy Skye who are also YouTubers.

  5. He appears on “Kids Fun T.V.”

    Kade has his own YouTube channel but often appears in “Kids Fun T.V.”

Why We Love Kade Skye

  1. He makes great kids’ content

    He creates videos that relate to games like Minecraft. He also does other challenges that involve acrobatics.

  2. He is adorable

    Kade is an adorable child. His voice and optimism make his videos interesting.

  3. He has a big future

    Kade is still a kid, but he has a huge future ahead. We love seeing people fulfill their potential.

Kade Skye’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 17 Monday
2024 July 17 Wednesday
2025 July 17 Thursday
2026 July 17 Friday
2027 July 17 Saturday