Karnation So Cool - It’s Karnation So Cool’s birthday! We’ve gathered fun facts and interesting information about this YouTube star.

Karnation So Cool's Birthday 2024 – November 3, 2024

Karnation Johnson, popularly known as Karnation So Cool, was born on November 3, 2011. She’s the stepdaughter of YouTuber CJ So Cool A.K.A. Cordero James Brady and the daughter of social media star Royalty Johnson. She can be seen on her father’s family-oriented vlogs regularly and is well on her way to making a name for herself in the future. She is a gifted child, and her natural flow of emotions, comic timing, quirky style, reactions to her father’s pranks, sense of humor, and insane dance moves, combined with her talent for gymnastics, have helped her gain a devoted following. We will assist you in celebrating this young celebrity’s special day right here.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Karnation Johnson


Karnation So Cool

Birth date:

November 03, 2011


12 years, 5 months

Zodiac Sign:



4' 7"

Net Worth:


Karnation So Cool's Social Media:


Karnation Johnson was born on November 3, 2011, in the U.S. to Charlene, A.K.A. Royalty Johnson, and Jamie. She was their third and final child together. Johnson’s mother met the YouTube and social media star Cordero James Brady A.K.A. CJ So Cool in 2013, and they began their life together as partners, happily embracing each other’s families. The couple made life fantastic for their children and themselves by starting from the ground up. Johnson was initially homeschooled and later enrolled in school with her sister Camari.Johnson appears in vlogs posted by CJ So Cool on their family’s YouTube channel. There are numerous videos on birthdays, pranks, shopping sprees, dance-offs, and product reactions. Usually, the posts are entertaining and exciting; However, there was a prank video that became a failure and garnered a lot of negative attention because CJ put laxatives in the kids’ ice cream. Johnson and her siblings became ill, and YouTube got forced to remove the video after complaints.Johnson has a TikTok account where she posts dance videos and has numerous followers who encourage her to pursue her talents. She is a fantastic dancer and performs some incredible gymnastic moves on camera. Johnson and her siblings have their own YouTube channel, “So Cool Kids”; it launched in 2018. In the video posted on this channel, the clan looks for the perfect gift for their father, CJ, to commemorate their family’s YouTube channel reaching seven million subscribers.

Career timeline

The Meeting With CJ So Cool

Johnson's mother meets YouTube and social media star Cordero James Brady A.K.A. CJ So Cool, and they begin their lives as partners, happily accepting each other's families.

The Debut Vlog Appearance

Johnson begins appearing in videos and vlogs on Cordero James Brady's YouTube channel CJ So Cool.

The First Instagram Post

Johnson posts a video on Instagram of herself dancing; it receives over 1,800 views.

The Birthday Celebration

Johnson celebrates her tenth birthday with her family, while her stepfather CJ documents the occasion on his YouTube channel.

Karnation So Cool FAQs

How old is CJ So Cool’s real daughter?

J’aaliyah So Cool was born on June 6, 2007. She is 15 years old.

How many siblings does Karnation So Cool have?

Johnson has five siblings.

How many followers does Karnation So Cool have?

Johnson has over 3,900 Instagram followers and over 2,600 TikTok followers.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. Her stepfather surprised her with a car

    Johnson's stepfather CJ surprised her with a Dodge Charger previously owned by Shaquille O'Neal.

  2. She once tried Dragon Breath

    Johnson once tried Dragon Breath, a popular frozen dessert made of cereal dipped in liquid nitrogen.

  3. She loves pizza

    Johnson adores pizza and considers it one of her favorite meals; she consumes it regularly.

  4. She is good at pranking her stepfather

    Johnson's elaborate pranks on her stepfather and mother, in which she pretends to be in trouble or has ruined something valuable, have always wowed her fans.

  5. She enjoys wearing designer clothing

    Johnson's family surprised her with her favorite designer clothes and outfits, and she was overjoyed.

Why We Love Karnation So Cool

  1. She and her family spread happiness and positivity

    Johnson and her family are one of the largest and most popular families on YouTube. Her family's videos have become a big part of many of their fans' daily lives due to their enjoyable and amusing content that spreads happiness, positivity, and joy.

  2. She values her family

    Johnson values her family and has strong relationships with her brothers and sisters. She adores her older siblings and looks after her younger siblings like a big sister.

  3. She and her mother are close friends

    Johnson has a close bond with her family, but her mother is one of her closest friends. They participate in various activities together, and she frequently appears on her mother's YouTube channel.

Karnation So Cool’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 November 3 Thursday
2023 November 3 Friday
2024 November 3 Sunday
2025 November 3 Monday
2026 November 3 Tuesday