Mario Selman - We have all the info and facts you need to know about Mario Selman, the American YouTuber, TikTok star, and influencer.

Mario Selman's Birthday 2024 – December 21, 2024

Mario Selman was born on December 21, 1999, in Chile but immigrated to America where he was trained in music. He currently resides in South Florida, United States with his family. His story is a rather interesting one but also increasingly common in today’s age of social media reach and influence. Selman displayed his musical talent early in his life and used his social media channels to help skyrocket him to fame — bypassing the traditional paths that typically involve agents. He usually uploads short, lip-synced comedy and dance videos to his various channels, of which his following is growing as he continues to provide the content his fans want.

Fast Facts

Birth date:

December 21, 1999


24 years, 4 months

Zodiac Sign:



Mario is the middle child in the Selman family — he has a younger sister named Cat and an older sister named Nacha. Mario is not the only influencer in his family as both his sisters have a substantial social media following too, partly due to Mario introducing them to fans in his YouTube video titled “Meet the Selmans.”He began his rise to fame in 2014 when he created his YouTube account and uploaded his first video. His content focused on pranks, jokes, and challenges. Initially, the channel could not be considered a success. This was due to the irregularity of when he posted and updated it.Selman also participated in a joint YouTube channel called Our Journey. Its members were Weston Koury, Nick Bean, Zach Clayton, Baby Ariel, Loren Gray, and Brennen Taylor. This channel’s life was short-lived and ended in 2016. At this stage, Selman’s YouTube channel was gaining more subscribers and fans, and he felt it was time to expand into another platform. Instagram was the go-to choice as he felt he could express himself and his unique fashion style better there. He found success and his popularity grew. His grid was often littered with photos of him and other social media sensations such as Loren Gray, Arii, Tana Mongeau, and Zach Clayton.Mario has over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, 771,000 subscribers on YouTube, and over 551,000 followers on Twitter. His TikTok profile is followed by over 3.5 million people. With those numbers, it’s easy to see why his online ventures are such a success and brands clamor to get involved with him.

Career timeline


Mario creates his YouTube account and uploads his first video to his channel.

July 2014

Mario ventures into Twitter and creates his profile.

November 2015

After some time away from Instagram, Mario shares his post with the caption: “I’m back” in November.


Mario posts his first TikTok to his newly created profile.

“Dusk Till Dawn”

Mario is featured in the music video for the song ‘Dusk Till Dawn’ by ZAYN f.t. Sia.

Mario Selman FAQs

How old is Mario Selman?

He is 21 years old.

What is Mario Selman known for?

Mario Selman is a social media influencer.

Who did Mario Selman do a YouTube collab with?

The YouTube channel Our Journey was a collaboration with Weston Koury, Nick Bean, Zach Clayton, Baby Ariel, Loren Beech, and Brennen Taylor.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He plays guitar

    Mario is an accomplished guitarist.

  2. His sister is an influencer

    Catalina Selman is a social media influencer with a huge following across various platforms.

  3. He has a favorite celebrity

    His favorite celebrity is the YouTube phenomenon, Connor Franta.

  4. Went on tour with 99 GoonSquad

    In 2016, he went on a tour with TikTok stars Julian and Jovani Jara, also known as 99 GoonSquad.

  5. He recently became a U.S. citizen

    Mario received his citizenship in 2019.

Why We Love Mario Selman

  1. He loves collaborating

    He has collaborated with several influencers and regularly features them on his platforms. We love this content.

  2. He was on “The Floor is Lava”

    Mario was a contestant on the Netflix show “The Floor is Lava.” The show is very entertaining!

  3. His unique fashion sense

    Mario has his unique fashion style that we (and his followers) love! Who doesn’t love a fashion icon?

Mario Selman’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 21 Wednesday
2023 December 21 Thursday
2024 December 21 Saturday
2025 December 21 Sunday
2026 December 21 Monday