Matthew Roloff - Are you a fan of Matthew Roloff? Want to learn more about the T.V. personality? We have all the information!

Matthew Roloff's Birthday 2024 – October 7, 2024

Matthew James Roloff is an American T.V. personality, entrepreneur, author, farmer, and motivational speaker born on October 7, 1961. He is best known for appearing on the T.L.C. reality T.V. show “Little People, Big World” with his family. This show highlighted his family’s daily life. Roloff has dwarfism, which is the context of the show. However, he’s achieved so much for himself, despite his stunted physical growth. He’s been on television since 2005 and has over 17 years of experience being in the limelight. He’s a hardworking and inspirational man worthy of celebration on his birthday!

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Matthew James Roloff



Birth date:

October 07, 1961


62 years, 6 months

Zodiac Sign:



4' 0"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$6.0 million

Matthew Roloff's Social Media:


Matthew James Roloff is an American television personality who also wears the hat of an author, farmer, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. He was born in San Francisco, California, on October 7, 1961. He was born with diastrophic dysplasia, a type of degenerative dwarfism. His parents are Ron and Peggy Roloff, and they are of average height like his sister, Ruth. Roloff’s brother, Sam, also has diastrophic dysplasia.In 1982, Roloff appeared in the “Little People” documentary. In 1985, he played an Ewok in the Star Wars movie “Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.” In 1990, Roloff bought a 34-acre farmhouse in Helvetia, Oregon, and on this land, the Roloffs built the Roloff Farm. This farm, which features a pirate ship on a lake, a three-story treehouse, a medieval castle, a mine shaft, a volleyball court, tunnels, and a soccer field, is open to the public and records about 30,000 visitors annually. In 2010, the family expanded the farm by purchasing an 80-acre property next to it. In 2006, “Little People, Big World” premiered. The show is based on the Roloffs. The show has been running since 2006, and as of 2020, Roloff had appeared in 259 episodes, 59 of which he executive produced. In 2012, the Roloffs appeared in a special “Little People, Big World: Wedding Farm.” Roloff is a great motivational speaker and member of the National Speakers Association. He has also authored three books.Roloff is a successful entrepreneur and T.V. personality. He married Amy Knight in 1987, and they were divorced in 2016. They have four children together. Roloff shares his success with his family and friends.

Career timeline

He Buys a Farmhouse

Roloff buys a 34-acre farmhouse to start the Roloff Farm.

“Little People, Big World”

Roloff’s family reality show, “Little People, Big World,” premieres on T.L.C.

“Little People, Big World: Wedding Farm”

Roloff and his family appear on this special version of their show.

“Ewoks: The Battle For Endor”

Roloff plays an Ewok in “Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.”

Matthew Roloff FAQs

What is Matthew Roloff’s salary?

Roloff earns about $60,000 to $120,000/year.

Why did Jacob Roloff quit?

He quit the show because he was molested by an executive producer.

What happened to Amy Roloff?

She married Chris Marek in 2021.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He’s had many operations

    Roloff had 15 surgeries as a child.

  2. He worked for Silicon Valley companies

    Roloff was a computer programmer for Silicon Valley companies like Altos Computer Systems.

  3. He lost his brother

    Roloff had a brother that was born with severe heart malformation and died in 1999.

  4. He has twins

    Roloff has twin children, Jeremy and Zachary.

  5. He traveled to Iraq

    The reality star traveled to Iraq to assist an Iraqi family with three children with dwarfism.

Why We Love Matthew Roloff

  1. He’s motivated

    Roloff has achieved so much for himself. He remains motivated despite the hardships in his life.

  2. He’s hardworking

    Roloff has steered his family to success. He has created a tangible legacy with and for them.

  3. He loves his family

    Roloff is a family man. He adores his children.

Matthew Roloff’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 October 7 Friday
2023 October 7 Saturday
2024 October 7 Monday
2025 October 7 Tuesday
2026 October 7 Wednesday