P.I.BANG - If you love rap, you’ll love learning about the rapper, P.I.BANG. Discover all the interesting facts about him as we celebrate his birthday.

P.I.BANG's Birthday 2024 – June 27, 2024

P.I.BANG was born on June 27, 1989, in Orlando, Florida, in the U.S. P.I.BANG became famous as a rapper and producer after starting a YouTube channel where he released his music. He released his debut album “Big Bang Theory” on iTunes in 2015. Before the release of his album, P.I.BANG released several singles leading up to it, including ‘I Be Putting On’ in 2014. This song also featured an appearance by musician Yo Gotti.

Fast Facts

Full Name:


Birth date:

June 27, 1989


34 years, 10 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 7"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$3.0 million

P.I.BANG's Social Media:


P.I.BANG was born on June 27, 1989, in Orlando, Florida, in the U.S. He has roots in Jamaica as his mother and grandmother are originally from there. This is something he is very passionate about and he loves learning about his ancestry by traveling to the island. P.I.BANG also has three children who he is very close to and loves very much. He became famous as a rapper and producer after starting a YouTube channel in 2009 where he released original music — his very first music video was “Trap Keep Jumping Prod By. Zaytoven.”He released his debut album “Big Bang Theory” on iTunes in 2015. Before the release of his album, P.I.BANG released several singles leading up to it, including ‘I Be Putting On’ in 2014. This song also featured an appearance by musician Yo Gotti. He started a YouTube channel by the name of 448 Music Group in 2014 and has since uploaded videos by various artists who are represented by his record label of the same name.P.I.BANG is the CEO of the 448 Music Group, a record label that represents rap artists such as Dee Boi, Tonii Boii, and Kuttem Reese. The record label is also currently working on organizing a music conference and showcase titled ‘Show Me What You Got,’ which will take place in September 2022. The conference will feature panelists such as Delante Murphy, Jacob Gilliland, and Chris Turner.

Career timeline

He Releases a Single

P.I.BANG releases his single ‘I Be Putting On.’

The 448 Music Group Channel

He starts the 448 Music Group channel on YouTube.

His Debut Album

He releases his debut album titled “Big Bang Theory” on iTunes.

He Starts His YouTube Channel

P.I.BANG starts uploading original music to YouTube.


Is P.I.BANG married?

No, he is not married.

How many albums does P.I.BANG have?

He has released five albums.

How many YouTube subscribers does P.I.BANG have?

More than 130,000 in 2022.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. His children

    P.I.BANG has two sons named Josiah and Amir, and one daughter named Faithy.

  2. His dog

    P.I.BANG has a dog named Trophy.

  3. His dog kennel

    He is involved in a dog kennel named 448 Kennels where they breed and sell dogs.

  4. He likes basketball

    P.I.BANG loves basketball and has posted on Instagram many times of himself attending games.

  5. He likes to travel

    P.I.BANG has traveled to Jamaica several times.

Why We Love P.I.BANG

  1. His style

    P.I.BANG can always be seen sporting designer brands like Dolce & Gabbana. He always likes to pair matching shirts, pants, and accessories.

  2. He loves dogs

    From his Instagram posts, it’s clear that P.I.BANG is a dog lover. He even began his own kennel and his love for these four-legged cuties can be seen in every social media post.

  3. He is in touch with his roots

    P.I.BANG’s mother and grandmother are from Jamaica and he has traveled there several times. He is very close to the locals and is genuinely interested in their culture and traditions.

P.I.BANG’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 27 Tuesday
2024 June 27 Thursday
2025 June 27 Friday
2026 June 27 Saturday
2027 June 27 Sunday