Roman Atwood - Today is Roman Atwood’s birthday, and we have all the cool facts about this prankster YouTube personality.

Roman Atwood's Birthday 2024 – May 28, 2024

Roman Atwood is an American YouTube star born on May 28, 1983. Atwood is best known for his pranks and vlogs, where he posts updates about his life. Atwood has two prominent YouTube channels, “RomanAtwoodVlogs” and “RomanAtwood,” where he has 15.6 and 10.4 million subscribers, respectively. Atwood is a fun YouTuber, so join us to celebrate his special day today.

Fast Facts

Birth date:

May 28, 1983


40 years, 10 months

Zodiac Sign:



Roman Bernard Atwood was born on May 28, 1983, and his birthplace is Millersport, Ohio. He is a celebrated YouTuber with a huge fanbase and following. Atwood’s interest in creating videos was spurred by adolescence, as he has produced videos since high school. Atwood is a Gemini who was born to Curt Dale and Susan Atwood.In 2010, Atwood decided to delve into sketch comedy. He created the YouTube channel “Sketch Empire” as an avenue to showcase his craft. Atwood created his merchandise line in 2013. The merch line is called “Smile More,” and he sells t-shirts, hoodies, bracelets, and accessories through this line. In the same year, he posted his debut video on his vlog channel, “RomanAtwoodVlogs.” The channel currently has over 1,700 videos, and he has amassed a staggering 15.5 million subscribers on the channel. His other channel “RomanAtwood” has been inactive since April 2016 but has 10.3 million subscribers. In 2017, he posted a video that became the most popular video on his vlog channel. This video is captioned “I Bought Them a House!! – Roman Atwood’s Day Dreams (Ep 1).” The video has amassed 52.7 million views.Atwood is a very successful YouTuber who shares his life with his family and friends. He is very supportive and generous to those he loves. As a YouTuber, Atwood’s personal life is public information. He married his Shanna Riley in 2001, but they divorced in 2008. He married Brittney Smith in 2018, and the couple has three children. Atwood has four kids altogether, and he’s a great father, son, and husband.

Career timeline

His First YouTube Channel

Roman Atwood creates his first channel, “Sketch Empire.”

His Merchandise Line is Launched

Atwood creates Smile More to sell some merchandise.

10 Million Subscribers

Atwood hits the milestone of 10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.

His Most Popular Video is Posted

Atwood posts his most popular video, “I Bought Them a House!! - Roman Atwood’s Day Dreams (Ep 1).”

Roman Atwood FAQs

Is Roman Atwood rich?

Yes, Atwood is very wealthy.

Who are Atwood’s sons?

Atwood has three sons, namely, Noah, Knox, and Kane.

How old is Kane Atwood?

He turned 10 years old in 2022.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. His family had a rope factory

    Roman Atwood’s family owned a rope factory, Atwood Rope, and he worked there.

  2. His ex-wife cheated on him

    When Atwood was married to Riley, she cheated on him with a friend, which led to their divorce.

  3. He met his wife at a wedding

    Atwood met his current wife, Brittney Smith, at a friend’s wedding.

  4. His mother died on vacation

    Atwood’s mother, Susan, died after an accident while on vacation with the whole family.

  5. He bought his dad a car

    Atwood surprised his father with a 2022 Corvette for Christmas 2021.

Why We Love Roman Atwood

  1. Roman Atwood is entertaining and creative

    From prank videos to surprises and so much more, Atwood’s content is very entertaining. We could watch his funny videos all day.

  2. He always performs the most mischievous pranks

    Atwood’s content is different from that of other YouTubers. He puts out creative and innovative content. For example, he once turned his whole house into a ball pit. For sure, that is the kind of content we love.

  3. He is a great family man

    Atwood is very close to his family. He even gifted his father a red Corvette for his birthday. He is also a great dad to his four kids and always plays pranks on and with them. We admire his family values.

Roman Atwood’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 28 Sunday
2024 May 28 Tuesday
2025 May 28 Wednesday
2026 May 28 Thursday
2027 May 28 Friday