Tom Selleck - Do you love Tom Selleck's movies? We bring you all the interesting facts about the remarkable actor.

Tom Selleck's Birthday 2025 – January 29, 2025

Tom Selleck, born on January 29, 1945, was an American actor and veteran. Selleck is well-known for playing the role of a private investigator in the T.V. series “Magnum PI.” He served in the Army with the California National Guard from 1967 to 1973. He left the Army as a sergeant. Selleck became famous for his mustache and his macho look. He was in many T.V. commercials, making him the face of many brands in the ‘70s. He has been a member of the N.R.A. since he was eight; eventually, he served as spokesman for the N.R.A.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Thomas William Selleck



Birth date:

January 29, 1945


79 years, 2 months

Zodiac Sign:



6' 4"

Net Worth:

$45.0 million


Tom Selleck was born to Robert Selleck and Martha Selleck in Detroit, Michigan. His father is of English and German descent, while his mother is of English descent. Selleck’s zodiac sign is Aquarius. In 1967, Tom Selleck made his first television appearance in “The Dating Game.” After that, he started featuring in television commercials. To avoid active service, Selleck enlisted in the California National Guard. He left the Army as a sergeant (1967 to 1973).In 1970, he was featured in a movie titled “Myra Breckinridge.” Selleck was invited to the set of “Myra Breckinridge” by Mae West, an older actress. Although he featured in many movie projects in the ‘70s, Selleck didn’t hit paydirt until 1980. “Magnum PI” was a show about a private investigator. This show shot Selleck into the limelight. “Magnum P.I.” lasted for eight seasons (1980 to 1988). Selleck won an Emmy for his part in the show. Selleck would eventually appear in more than 50 movies. He never stopped commercials. He did many commercials for the Army. He also did AT&T’s 1993 ‘You Will’ marketing campaign voiceover. Some of his campaigns, such as a reverse mortgage campaign, were met with criticism.Throughout his life, Selleck was an avid outdoorsman. He loved collecting weapons. His macho look and interest in firearms landed him several roles in cowboy movies. Selleck was a long-term member of the National Rifle Association. Eventually, he served as a spokesman for the association. All his life, he didn’t have any social media accounts and remained a fascinating man throughout his career.

Career timeline

Selleck Makes His First T.V. Appearance

Selleck appears on the T.V. show titled “The Dating Game.”

Selleck Gets His First Big Break

Selleck stars as Thomas Magnum in the T.V. series titled “Magnum P.I.”

Selleck Wins His First Emmy

Selleck receives his first Emmy award for his performance in “Magnum P.I.”

Selleck Features in His Last Cowboy Movie

Selleck's role in “Monte Walsh” marks the actor's last cowboy movie.

Selleck’s Debut Musical Recording

Originally recorded in 2001, Nicholas King releases a song with Tom Selleck.

Tom Selleck FAQs

Was Tom Selleck a Navy seal?

No. Tom Selleck was a sergeant in the U.S. Army.

Was Tom Selleck married?

Yes, he was married to Jacqueline Ray. The marriage ended in a divorce. Later, he married Jillie Mack.

Was Tom Selleck Czech?

No. He is a direct descendant of David Selleck. An English colonist.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. Actress Mae West helped him get noticed

    While he was still a new actor, Mae West invited him to the set of the 1970 movie titled “Myra Breckinridge.”

  2. He didn't like the Thomas Magnum role

    Selleck hated how the Thomas Magnum role was written and he asked for major adjustments to the role.

  3. He once played for the Detroit Tigers

    He joined the 1991 spring training and played in one exhibition match against the Cincinnati Reds.

  4. He would have played Indiana Jones

    Selleck would have played Indiana Jones in the 1981 “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” but he was contract bound.

  5. He left college to pursue acting

    Selleck left his college education behind to pursue his acting career.

Why We Love Tom Selleck

  1. He was passionate about the welfare of veterans

    Tom Selleck was a veteran himself. Later, he served on the board of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund.

  2. He respected contracts

    C.B.S. prevented him from acting in the “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” He respected the terms of the contract and did not rebel.

  3. He was versatile

    He acted in both commercials and movies while he served in the Army. He was a versatile individual.

Tom Selleck’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 29 Sunday
2024 January 29 Monday
2025 January 29 Wednesday
2026 January 29 Thursday
2027 January 29 Friday