Cameron Herrin - If you are a big TikTok fan, then Cameron Herrin is no new name to you. We have all the interesting facts about this famous TikTok star.

Cameron Herrin's Birthday 2024 – September 9, 2024

Cameron Herrin, born on September 9, 1999, is a U.S. citizen. He became famous in 2018 after he was arrested for vehicular manslaughter. People on social media started an Internet movement to help him overturn his sentence but it was unsuccessful. Today, C. Herrin is serving his sentence at the Graceville Correctional Facility.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Cameron Herrin



Birth date:

September 09, 1999


24 years, 7 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 8"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$1.0 million

Cameron Herrin's Social Media:


Cameron Herrin is a big name on the TikTok platform and has won the hearts of millions across the globe. Herrin was born on September 9, 1999. Herrin’s zodiac sign is Virgo and he is of Caucasian Ethnicity and American Nationality. His mother and father’s names are Cheryl and Chris respectively. He has an older brother by the name of Tristan who had been his mentor since he was a kid. Tristan and Cameron always spent time together and participated in activities together. Chris, the father, is employed as an editor and filmmaker, while Cheryl, the mother, is employed as the vice-president at State Farm Insurance Company. Seven years after Herrin was born, the family moved to Tampa in Florida. Herrin was admitted to Tampa Catholic School. Following his graduation, he enrolled at Texas Tech University.Despite being a TikTok celebrity, Herrin was also a car enthusiast and loved to speed. He also participated in illegal street racing thus giving him the nickname ‘Racer.’ Bayshore’s wide waterfront sidewalk is a popular path through which he frequented severally. His racing activities were what led to his downfall eventually.In 2018, C. Herrin became famous following his involvement in a fatal crash. The accident killed Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt and her one-year-old infant. Herrin was arrested and sentenced to 24 years in prison. An internet campaign was started soon after to support him and overturn his conviction. These efforts have been unfruitful and he is still serving his sentence at the Graceville Correctional Facility.

Career timeline

The Fatal Crash

Herrin is arrested for vehicular manslaughter.

The Prison Term

Herrin is sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Teh TikTok Campaign

Hannah Kosh weighs in on Herrin’s case in a TikTok video.

2015 - 2018
The Racing Activities

Herrin races his vehicle illegally in the streets of the U.S.

Cameron Herrin FAQs

How fast was Herrin going before he crashed?

According to police reports, Herrin was moving at 102mph.

How old was C. Herrin when he was arrested?

He was 18 years old.

Where is Herrin today?

He is in the Graceville Correctional Institute.Plagiarism report

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He has a strong bond with Tristan

    Herrin and his brother Tristan are very close.

  2. Tristan was in the crash

    Tristan was a victim of the 2018 accident.

  3. He is serving a prison sentence

    Herrin was arrested for vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

  4. He gained fame after the crash

    An internet campaign was started soon after the accident to support him and overturn his conviction.

  5. He was born in 1999

    Herrin is currently 22 years old as of 2022.

Why We Love Cameron Herrin

  1. He made peace with himself

    C. Herrin was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He accepted his conviction and is now serving the sentence one day at a time.

  2. He loves his family

    C. Herrin is a family man. He has a close bond with his brother Tristan.

  3. He loves cars

    C. Herrin is a car enthusiast. He used to race his car in the streets of Florida.

Cameron Herrin’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2023 September 9 Saturday
2024 September 9 Monday
2025 September 9 Tuesday
2026 September 9 Wednesday
2027 September 9 Thursday