Clarence White - Do you love Clarence White's YouTube videos? We have all the facts about the content creator right here.

Clarence White's Birthday 2024 – December 8, 2024

Clarence White, born on December 8, 1993, has become a successful model, content creator, and businessman. He hoped to become a professional basketball player, but his plan did not work out as he went undrafted in his senior year and dropped out of college. He has hundreds of thousands of followers on his Instagram account and YouTube channel. He also partners with his girlfriend, Queen Naija, to create their Royal Family YouTube channel content. Join us in celebrating this resilient businessman.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Clarence Lorenzo White III


Clarence NYC

Birth date:

December 08, 1993


30 years, 4 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 7"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:

$1.0 million

Clarence White's Social Media:


Clarence White is fast becoming one of the most famous faces on social media. The handsome content creator has built quite a reputation with millions of followers who constantly interact with him via his various social media handles.Clarence White was born on December 8, 1993, in the Bronx, New York. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius. His parents are Sandra Villegas and Clarence White II, and his ethnicity is partly Puerto Rican and partly African American. As a child, he was passionate about basketball and hoped to play professionally. He played basketball at Mount Saint Michael High School as a senior in 2011. He continued to play basketball at Bloomfield College, where he studied criminal justice and was on the school team till his junior year in 2015. He went undrafted in the 2016 N.B.A. Draft, making him an unrestricted free agent. Later, he dropped out of college. His sports plans didn’t work out, so he used his good looks and love of fashion to create a career for himself.He started to model and share videos and pictures with his followers via Instagram. Later, he launched Design By White, a clothing brand, and his YouTube channel in 2017. Initially, his brand sold only T-shirts but they started to sell complete streetwear, like pants and hoodies in the following year. He also launched a second YouTube channel (The Royal Family) in 2018.He started dating fellow YouTuber Queen Naija in 2017. He welcomed a child with his girlfriend in 2020. He once caused an uproar on Lipstick Alley when he criticized Rihanna and implied that Queen Naija’s musical talents exceeded that of Rihanna.

Career timeline

He Graduates High School

White completes his studies at Mount Saint Michael High School, New York.

He Drops Out of College

White doesn’t get drafted into the N.B.A., leaving Bloomfield college in his senior year.

The Launch of His Clothing Line

White learns how to make clothes and launches his Design By White clothing label.

He Launches His YouTube Channel

White launches a YouTube channel and leverages his popularity on Instagram to drive subscribers to his YouTube account.

Clarence White FAQs

Who is Clarence White's ex?

White used to date Leslie Ines. However, the relationship ended amidst a lot of controversies.

Who is Clarence White's girlfriend?

Queen Naija. White and Queen Naija started dating in 2017, and they have a son together.

Does Clarence White have a son?

Yes, he does. White and his partner welcomed a son named Legend Lorenzo in 2020.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He made clothes because he was broke

    White couldn't afford good-looking clothes, so he taught himself how to sew and make clothes.

  2. He has a favorite birthday

    White fondly remembers his 23rd birthday because it was the first time he celebrated his birthday with his friends and family.

  3. This was his proudest moment

    Apart from the birth of his son, White's proudest moment in life was when he hit a million followers on Instagram.

  4. He has a favorite artist

    White is a big fan of Lil Baby and Drake, but he also listens to Queen Naija.

  5. He doesn't like Snapchat

    Most content creators love all social media platforms, but White thinks Snapchat is uninteresting, and he rarely uses it.

Why We Love Clarence White

  1. He is enterprising

    When his basketball career didn't take off as expected, he had the good sense to start a fashion line. He has also built a career as a content creator, and we love this for him.

  2. White loves his family

    White is excited about starting his own family, and he talks affectionately about building an empire with Queen Naija, his girlfriend. We love it when people are devoted to their families.

  3. He lifts others up

    White is constantly sharing advice with younger people and others struggling to make it in life. We love his attitude towards helping others, and we wish him the best.

Clarence White’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 8 Thursday
2023 December 8 Friday
2024 December 8 Sunday
2025 December 8 Monday
2026 December 8 Tuesday