Hope Hicks - Want to know more about Hope Hicks? Here’s all the information you need about former President Trump’s political advisor.

Hope Hicks's Birthday 2024 – October 21, 2024

Hope Charlotte Hicks was born on October 21, 1988. She is an American political strategist and public relations, specialist. Hicks was Trump’s longest-serving political advisor until she left her White House Communications Director position in March 2018. She then became the executive vice president and chief communications officer of Fox Corporation before returning to the White House in March 2020 as Counselor to the President until her final departure on January 13, 2021.

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Hope Charlotte Hicks



Birth date:

October 21, 1988


35 years, 6 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 7"

Relationship Status:

In a relationship

Net Worth:

$1.0 million


Caye Ann Hicks and Paul Burton Hicks III welcomed Hope Hicks into the world on October 21, 1988, in Greenwich, Connecticut. She graduated from Greenwich High School in 2006 before earning an English degree from Southern Methodist University in 2010. She began her public relations career with the Zeno Group in New York City. Hicks moved to Hiltzik Strategies in 2012 after meeting the company’s creator at a National Football League Super Bowl event, allowing her to work with several members of the firm’s well-known clientele, including Ivanka Trump. Ivanka and Hicks worked on the former’s clothing line and other Trump enterprises. In August 2014, she joined the Trump Organization full-time and started working directly under Donald Trump two months later.Trump chose Hicks to serve as his presidential campaign’s press secretary. She was responsible for screening more than 250 daily requests for interviews. In addition, she recorded Trump’s dictations for his tweets and sent them to the staff member responsible for uploading them to Trump’s official account. On December 22, 2016, it was announced that Hicks was to join the Trump administration as White House Director of Strategic Communications, a position created for her. She was appointed as the temporary White House Communications Director on August 16, 2017, following Anthony Scaramucci’s resignation. A month later, she permanently took on the role and held it until her resignation on March 29, 2018.She worked as Fox Corporation’s chief communications officer and executive vice president until March 2020, when she rejoined the White House staff as Jared Kushner’s assistant and Counselor to the President. Since leaving the administration on January 13, 2021, she has maintained a relatively low profile. She is reportedly dating Jim Donovan, who works for Goldman Sachs and also has ties to former President Trump.

Career timeline

The Move to Trump Organization

Hicks is hired by the Trump Organization, initially working closely with Ivanka Trump.

The Move to White House

It is announced that Hicks would serve in the Trump administration as the White House Director of Strategic Communications.

The White House Communications Director

She is appointed White House Communications Director on August 16, 2017.

The Initial Exit from White House Exit

After being interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee, she resigns from her duties.

Hicks Begins Her Career

She starts working at the public relations agency Hiltzik Strategies, where she meets Ivanka Trump.

[The Return to White House

Hicks returns to the White House as Jared Kushner’s assistant and President Donald Trump’s advisor.

Hope Hicks FAQs

Where does Hope Hicks live?

She splits her time between her apartments in Greenwich, Connecticut, and Manhattan.

Does Hope Hicks have children?

The public relations star has yet to have any children.

Did Hope Hicks write a book?

Although we’re dying to know some insider information about her White House tenure, Hick hasn’t written a book or revealed any details about it.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. She used to play lacrosse

    Hicks has played lacrosse since elementary school and was instrumental in setting up a squad at her college.

  2. She was a model

    As a youngster, Hicks appeared in “Greenwich” magazine and was featured in a Ralph Lauren advertisement with her older sister, Mary Grace.

  3. Her dad worked in public relations too

    Hick’s father, Paul Hicks III, used to be Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide's chief executive officer and Glover Park Group’s current managing director.

  4. Trump had a pet name for her

    Former President Trump affectionately calls her ‘Hopester.’

  5. Trump paid for her apartment

    Trump allowed Hicks to occupy one of his many properties for free while he ran for president.

Why We Love Hope Hicks

  1. She is tough

    Hope Hicks survived numerous challenges to become former President Donald Trump’s longest-serving political adviser. She transitioned smoothly from White House Director of Strategic Communications to Acting Director of Communications despite the chaos around her.

  2. She worked quietly yet effectively

    Hicks reportedly kept her head down and performed her duties to the best of her abilities. She’s been praised by Trump and other administration members for doing an excellent job.

  3. She has beauty and brains

    Hicks may be misunderstood because of her youth and beauty, but neither of those qualities makes her an excellent worker. Hicks is adept in public relations, and her skills led to Trump’s election in 2016.

Hope Hicks’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 October 21 Friday
2023 October 21 Saturday
2024 October 21 Monday
2025 October 21 Tuesday
2026 October 21 Wednesday