Mariela Fernández - Do you know Mariela Fernández? You can learn all about the celebrity T.V. show host’s background and career history here.

Mariela Fernández's Birthday 2024 – December 12, 2024

Mariela Fernández was born on December 12, 1977. She is a television host most recognized for her work and appearance on the network C5N’s 2016 television news program “No te Duermas.” She began her television career at an early age before landing her show on the C5N channel. For her work on television, she has been nominated for various accolades, including the Martin Fierro Cable Award for ‘Best Female Host.’ Let us celebrate this accomplished woman here today.

Fast Facts

Birth date:

December 12, 1977


46 years, 4 months

Zodiac Sign:



Mariela Fernandez was born on December 12, 1977. She was born and raised in Haedo, Buenos Aires in Argentina. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. At some point, Fernández was in a relationship with a biker named Gonzalo. She began her career working in radio, sometimes for free, at local stations until she had the opportunity to audition for television work.Fenández had a passion for television. She began working as a journalist for the C5N news channel in 2007. She later got the chance hosting on a news show that ran from Mondays to Fridays at midnight. The show was called “No te Duermas” on the C5N channel in 2016. Her work and presence on this news program made her a household name. She was the host of the programs “Classical Music all the Time” and “You are Going to Remember Me.” For her work on television, Fernández received two Martín Fierro awards in 2011 and 2012 for the program “Mañanas Argentinas” which she co-hosted. She works as a panelist for the program “Bendita,” an Argentine talk show, aired by Canal 9. She was also part of programs such as “Bien pronto” and “De Una”. Despite her fame, Fernández considers herself a neighborhood girl; She was always a friend of all the merchants, and they always accompanied her at the beginning of her career. She explained that for them, she is now the neighborhood girl who works on television.At some point, Fernández suffered a stroke. According to her statements, she was a hotel with her boyfriend when she began to feel the first symptoms, which she ignored because she thought it was because of her excessive alcohol intake. In the morning, she got homesick and went to work, making her drunken state obvious. A doctor, Alberto Camillo, took her to the hospital. Thinking she wouldn’t make it, Fernández bid farewell to her family. She was away from her job for a month and she had an optimal recovery where she did not need any type of rehabilitation. Five years later, she was discharged definitively. In 2016, she received a lot of criticism for uploading a video to her social media platforms in which she was seen crying. She explained, saying a lot of her videos were fun videos and she felt it would make sense to show another side of herself.

Career timeline

Fernández Works For the C5N Channel

She begins working as a journalist for the C5N news channel.

Her Breakthrough Gig

She has a breakthrough on a show called "No te Duermas” on the C5N channel.

2011 and 2012
She Receives Two Awards

Fernández receives two Martín Fierro awards for the program “Mañanas Argentinas” which she co-hosts.

She Becomes a Co-host on La 100fm

La 100 is a leading radio in terms of the audience; over a million people tune in to the station in the City of Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas.

Mariela Fernández FAQs

How many Instagram followers does Mariela Fernandez have?

She has over 181,000 followers.

What is Mariela Fernandez's nationality?

She is Argentinian.

Who is Mariela Fernández dating now?

As of April 2022, she is single.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. Fernández is a soccer fan

    She is a fan of the soccer club San Lorenzo de Almagro.

  2. She has a grown daughter

    She keeps her personal life private but she has a daughter named Martina, who turned 21 in 2022.

  3. She loves traveling

    She never fails to take pictures while on vacation.

  4. She wanted to work on radio

    Rather than television hosting, she wanted to be a radio host; her grandmother had given her a tape recorder and she played cassettes and recorded things.

  5. She used to model as a child

    Fernandez had a passion for modeling and appeared in commercials at an early age.

Why We Love Mariela Fernández

  1. She prioritizes her health

    Fernández makes sure to keep fit and healthy. In a recent episode of "Mañanas Publicas," we see the 44-year-old teaching a few exercise moves to a group of people.

  2. She has a youthful soul

    It's difficult to tell who is who when she posts a picture with her daughter on Instagram. You often see her in goofy poses, which attest to her child-like nature.

  3. She is beautiful

    With an always smiling face and youthful, glowing skin, you wouldn’t say the Argentine host is over 40 years old. Well, it's no surprise as she often talks about her healthy diet and exercise regimen on Instagram.

Mariela Fernández’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 12 Monday
2023 December 12 Tuesday
2024 December 12 Thursday
2025 December 12 Friday
2026 December 12 Saturday