Traci Young-Byron - Want to learn more about Traci Young-Byron? We have the coolest facts about this multi-talented professional dancer.

Traci Young-Byron's Birthday 2024 – November 23, 2024

Traci Young-Byron was born on November 23, 1979, in Liberty City, Miami, Florida. She has been dancing since the age of three. As a child, Byron mainly focused on her passion for art. She gathered an immense following and managed to turn her work into a huge community, getting together admirers, students, and dancers from all over the world. Let’s celebrate her on her special day today!

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Traci Young-Byron

Birth date:

November 23, 1979


44 years, 5 months

Zodiac Sign:



5' 6"

Relationship Status:


Net Worth:


Traci Young-Byron's Social Media:


Born November 23, 1979, in Miami, Florida, Traci Young-Byron was barely grown and she was already dancing. Starting at the age of three, she joined the Inner City Children’s Touring Dance Company. She later moved to South Miami Middle School and then to Miami Northwestern Senior High School’s Performing and Visual Arts Center to pursue her dance path. In 1997, she graduated with a degree in dance from Florida State University and was selected to study at the Alvin Summer Intensive in New York.In 2000, Byron joined the Kappa Epsilon Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Dance in 2001. Followed by an outstanding portfolio, Byron got the opportunity to join the Miami Heat group, with whom she danced for nine years. In 2004, Byron founded the Young Contemporary Dance Theater (Y.C.D.T.). In 2008, she became the Artistic Director of the P.A.V.A.C. Dance program and the elite Golden Girls Dance Team.In 2013, Byron started her competition team, Y.C.D.T. SupaStarz. The studio teaches modern, contemporary, jazz, Caribbean, West African, and Hip-Hop ballet. The competition team, SupaStarz, is made up of dancers aged 13 to 18. In 2015, Byron won her own T.V. series, “Set It Up Methods,” where she teaches all her skills and lets her competitiveness shine through. The founder of Y.C.D.T. is determined and invests everything in her mission to teach her students. “That’s my whole purpose: to teach them to be themselves,” she says.

Career timeline

The Miami Heat Group

Byron joins the Miami Heat dancers.

The Dance School

Byron founds the Young Contemporary Dance Theater, where she is the artistic director and teaches classes.

The Dance Competition

Byron starts a competition team to foster her students’ learning.

The T.V. Debut

The T.V. show “Set It Up” presents Byron's teaching methods and routines.

Traci Young-Byron FAQs

Is Traci Byron a good pro?

She is an excellent professional.

Is Traci Byron married?

Yes, Byron is married to Jean Byron.

How long was Byron with the Miami Heat Dancers?

She was with the group for nine years!

5 Surprising Facts

  1. She is all about skin care

    Byron follows a daily skin treatment to keep herself looking youthful.

  2. She is very bold in her style

    Byron has already revealed in an interview that her style "was something bold and bright that spoke that I wanted people to see me".

  3. She loves to wear braids

    Byron’s colorful braids take over 15 hours to be done!

  4. She defines herself as a noisy person

    Being expressive and vibrant is a big part of her personality.

  5. She wants to learn sewing

    Byron loves fashion and would love to create her own pieces of clothing.

Why We Love Traci Young-Byron

  1. She's always so excited

    Traci has revealed that people look up to her and feel good when they're having a bad day. They are often impacted by the positive energy she radiates.

  2. She loves encouraging black girls

    Through her work, she encourages young girls to be themselves. She says she’s filled with pride when she meets confident young black girls.

  3. Her mission is to teach

    She is tireless when it comes to teaching her students to be top professionals. She wants to teach people to be themselves and not shy away from their true potential.

Traci Young-Byron’s birthday dates

Year Date Day
2022 November 23 Wednesday
2023 November 23 Thursday
2024 November 23 Saturday
2025 November 23 Sunday
2026 November 23 Monday